19th September 2013

out and about…

To Ham House for some inspiration.

Ham House

Ham House and Garden

The 400 year old kitchen is so relevant to now and has given us ideas for a kitchen we are working on.

Ham House Kitchen

Ham House Kitchen

We love the exposed drawer construction.

Kitchen Drawer Detail

Kitchen Drawer Detail

Beautiful display of copper.

Kitchen  Copper Detail

Copper Detail

which got us thinking…

Last Stool  Max Lamb for Discipline

Last Stool
Max Lamb for Discipline

Hex Copper Bowl  Tom Dixon

Hex Copper Bowl
Tom Dixon

Shipyard Pendant  Davey Lighting

Shipyard Pendant
Davey Lighting

Pebble Stool Ginger & Jagger

Pebble Stool
Ginger & Jagger

Restored Copper Bath Water Monolpoly

Restored Copper Bath
The Water Monopoly

piece of the week…

Washington Corona Bronze Coffee David Adjaye for Knoll

Washington Corona Bronze Coffee
David Adjaye for Knoll

and finally…

saying goodbye to summer

summer 2

4 thoughts on “19th September 2013

  1. Is that OUR (Sam’s and my) birthday cake? It sure looks like it! Rosy and I miss all of ‘y’awl’. (That’s Southern Nautical talk!) We’re heading south VERY soon, and that Message In A Bottle will be tossed over the side. Annie Caie sends her love to Sam, the Cabin Boy.

    • Hi Roxy! Apologies for taking SO long to reply. I passed your message on to Sam who was very excited to hear from you. He is writing you a letter which may take some time…….Hope all is well with you. It is grey and raining here. Already looking forward to next summer! xxx Amanda

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